January 23 at 7:00 PM - First meeting of 2014
Next Meeting:
January 23, 2014 at 7:00 PMOklahoma County OSU Cooperative Extension Service, 930 N. Portland Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73107.
2014 COBA Membership
It is time to renew your COBA membership for 2014, unless you are a 2014 Student. Please see 2013 Treasurer Jay Silver before the meeting to renew. Dues are still $10 for an individual (1 vote), and $15 for a family (2 votes).You must currently be keeping bees or be acquiring bees to be a voting member. You must be a voting member to vote in the officer elections, or to serve as an officer of the association. You must be present to vote.
You also must be a member to borrow the club extractors or observation hives. We will have the new club extractors in time for the 2014 honey harvest. Please return all borrowed equipment promptly, clean and in good order.
Rick Schantz will present "What to Expect the First Time After Winter When You Open Your Hives".The business meeting will include the election of 2014 officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and of one member of the rotating Executive Board).
The meeting will close with the "Door Prize" drawing, as usual.
It's been a while since most of us were together, so come out, renew your membership, and enjoy the program and visiting with other local beekeepers!
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