Sunday, March 01, 2015

COBA Logo Contest

We need an official logo for COBA, so we're holding a Logo Contest open to all "paid up" COBA members.

Prizes - Gift Cards from Beekeeping Etc:
- 1st place $75.00
- 2nd place $50.00
- 3rd place $25.00

- Winning logos become the property of COBA, in return for the prizes.
- Minimum size 4” x 4”
- Maximum size 8.5 x 11”
- Black and White only for competition.  Color can be submitted as additional information.
- Logo will be used on T-Shirts, Letterhead, Business Cards, etc.

Submit by March 15, 2015.

Via Email:
 Put Logo Contest in the subject line and email to

Via US Mail:
 Logo Contest
 1816 N Ann Arbor Ave
 Oklahoma City  OK  73127-2846

A vote by the members will be held on the top 3 submissions at the March 26th COBA meeting.

COBA Bee News

COBA Bee News

Submissions by Members for Members.

We are looking for members to become Bee Reporters.

Write an article or see something happening in the Bee World that needs to be told to others let us know.

Also looking for Reporters on the following:
Monthly Marching Orders - Conventional and Natural Methodologies
Calendar with up and coming Classes, Events and Special Speakers
Swarm News
Tips and Tricks
Opinion Articles
For Sale and Wanted Ads
Send Submissions to: before March 15th.
Please put Newsletter in the subject line.

The Newsletter will be available Online once we have our website up and going. We will email copies or you can pick-up a printed copy with a prior request at the March 26th meeting.
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